New Session  for Semembers II, IV & VI, 2025 opens on 20/01/2025.

Semester V Practical Examinations of Geography and Education are scheduled from 22/01/2025




Welcome To St. Xavier's College,Tezpur

St. Xavier’s College , Tezpur Assam was started by the Ranchi Jesuit Province of the society of Jesus, a christian religious order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. Since its foundation the Jesuit order has contributed immensely for the spreading of education throughout the world. The vision has been drawn from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. It gives Jesuit educational institutions a recognizable character and sets before their management, staff, students, parents and the community high ideals of life and service which will inspire and strive them continuously to meet the emerging needs and challenges of time.

Inspired by this vision the Jesuit order in India has been active in the field of higher education, serving the nation in the context of plurality of religions and diversity of cultures. In India The Society of Jesus has founded 118 Primary & Middle Schools, 149 High Schools,58 University Colleges, 22 Technical Institutes and 16 Business Administrations Institutes with 11,525 teachers, educating 3,34,538 students, belonging to every social class, community and linguistic group. These Institutions are part of the Catholic Church's effort to share in the country's educational undertaking.



" It is not the actual physical exertion that counts towards one’s progress,
nor the nature of the task, but by the spirit of faith with which it is undertaken."

- Francis Xavier

Principal's Message

Jesuits are engaged in teaching, research and scholarly publications since the foundation of the Society on 27 September 1540. Jesuit Education aim to educate young men and women of competence, conscience, compassion and commitment. Jesuit education attempts to discover, shape, renew or promote human wisdom respecting the integrity of caste, creed and culture. Jesuit education promotes interdisciplinary work with a spirit of cooperation and dialogue towards discovering new prospective and new areas for research, teaching, social, spiritual and moral formation. By means of which Jesuit education contributes in integral development and transformation of students, society towards more profound level of justice and freedom. Today, approximately three thousand dedicated Jesuits work in nearly two hundred of our own universities and institutions of higher learning for intellectual, social, spiritual and moral formation touching the lives of more than a million students. St. Xavier’s College, Tezpur, Sonabheel is established, managed and run by Ranchi Jesuit Society. St. Xavier’s College, Tezpur is affiliated to “Gauhati University” Guwahati, Assam and offers courses on B. Com Major/Honours for Accountancy, Management, Finance and B. A. Arts Major/Honours for English, Assamese, Education, Geography and Political Science. Today quality education is the need of the competitive time which is beyond the reach of poor and marginalized. St. Xavier’s College, since its inception in 2013, is committed to provide quality education and accompany the young students and the parents to face their struggle, anxiety, fear, competition and their own desire of freedom to do what they want to achieve. St. Xavier’s College is dedicated for integral and intellectual formation of the pupils towards making “men and women for others” and the responsible citizens of the nation.

   Fr. Dr Erenius Toppo, SJ, MSc., MA, PhD

Vice Principal’s Message

St. Xavier’s College Tezpur is the first Christian college in Assam which has audaciously undertaken a great responsibility by Ranchi Jesuit Society under “Assam Jesuit Mission”, to empower poor and marginalized section of our students for social change in creation of a better tomorrow. The Mission and Vision of the college loudly declare that God is the creator of all life and source of all truth. We all are brothers and sisters. To realize this truth is the ultimate goal of education. Education is meant only for the preparation of life itself. Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of students, moulds their character and enhances mental skills to help themselves to cope up with problems and challenges of the complex world of today. One of the most significant character traits that are needed to be instilled in our students during their education is a finely ingrained attitude of service before self. The aim is to make them successful not only in life but also conscious of their moral duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens. It is with this charism of the Society of Jesus “St. Xavier’s College Tezpur” was established in 2013. The Society of Jesus continues the tradition of serving God by serving the church and humanity in the field of higher education in India and very especially in the state of Assam in the context of plurality of religion and diversity of culture. Society of Jesus is responsible for over 1,865 educational institutions in 112 nations in five continents. In India alone, it runs 153 high schools, 38 University Colleges, 14 technical institutes and 5 Business Management Institutes. We prepare men and women, professionals for others that make difference. St. Xavier’s College Tezpur is one among many such initiatives under Assam Jesuit Mission of Ranchi Jesuit Society; focuses on the higher education of the tribals and other marginalized section so that they may come up from the periphery to the main stream of life. We believe that our students need to learn that the secret of success and contentment lies in discovering one’s own strengths as well as limitations. Therefore, there is every reason to place a renewed emphasis on the humanistic dimensions of education enabling each one to grasp and appreciate the individuality of others and to discover one’s own self through an inner journey whose milestones are knowledge, introspection and humility. All of you who would like to join us may find a wealth of learning opportunities at “St. Xavier’s College Tezpur”, an institution of higher learning that would serve as an essential stepping stone to a fulfilling life and promising career.

   Fr Anand K. Kerketta, SJ, MA BEd, M.Phil, NET

Our Achievers

Campus Address

St. Xavier's College Tezpur
Solabasti, Sonabheel
P.O.– Bokajan, Sonitpur
Assam, India-784105

Office: +91-6900259210
Vice Principal: +91-9771919162
Administrator: +91-9771919162
Principal: +91-8056254551

Mail Us :
Office: [email protected]
Vice Principal: [email protected]
Administrator: [email protected]
Principal: [email protected]

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